31 augusti 2022
#beascamino2022 Dag 1 Valencia (Medelhavet - Katedralen) - Silla
Kommer klippa in från Insta en del och fylla på. Får översätta när jag kommer hem eller så. Orkar inte skriva en massa olika. På twitter blir det korta noteringar på Svenska om jag orkar.
Ska se om jag lyckas få till bilder oxå. Men annars finns ju som sagt samma på Instagram. @beastankar.
Day 1 Stage 0.
I had a long debate with myself if I should stay in Valencia and do a 38 km stage tomorrow or start today in the hot weather. I decided to start with a short distance to check the shoulder and knee with a heavy (around 8-9 kg I must buy a lighter camera again) backpack. The distance to Silla is only 15 km so I did a pre-stage of 7,5 km from the Mediterranean to the Cathedral. I wanted to start in the Mediterranean Sea so I went there and walked to the cathedral. Changed to hiking gear at the public toilets at the beach. Passed by a post office to send home some stuff. Found some drinks in my train bag so they were my lunch. (Yes I’m hopeless). Ate some dried pineapple and a beer sausage on the train as well. But not energy enough for a walk in the high temperature. 32 in the shadow and 42 in the sun. Could walk in the shadow most of the time but still warm and people looked at me coming there with my backpack, long sleeve merio t-shirt (protects the arms from sun) and my Makabi skirt hooked up to short.
I found the cathedral but first I went towards the wrong tower and could not find it. I didn’t visit as it was a lot of people and quite expensive. Booked an hotel in Silla so I had to walk there.
Day 1 - Stage 1 , Valencia - Silla
I got my first stamp inside the cathedral and I asked some tourists from Tenerife to take my start photo and they did. They thought I was crazy walking in this heat. Well well I have some loose screws I know.
I found the first marker in the ground and navigating in Valencia was easy. Well done by Asociación Amigos del Camino de Santiago Comunidad Valenciana.
After 2 km I found the first yellow arrow. Now it feels right.
I like how they incorporate historical things from the 15th Century in the modern infrastructure. Todays stage goes through the town and over to some suburb areas and a lot of industrial complex areas. So boring. The markings were on the sunny side but as it is almost 6 km straight ahead I swapped over to the side with shadow. More comfortable. I stopped at a bar at 4,3 km to get some water and coke to get some energy. Even the cactuses thinks it is to hot. The Camino always pass a church in a village even if it makes the route longer. Just before Silla I sat down on some stairs to rest a bit and all of a sudden I heard a noice. I thought it was automatic blinders on windows but then I realised that is was a protection coming down in front of the stairs I just managed to get out before it was the whole way down. Close call that I had to spend the evening and night there. I did a lot of micro stoops today due to the heat. No need to hurry when a bed is waiting for me. Saw no other pilgrims. Took a long shower when I reached the hotel after 16.62 km from the Cathedral. Went out or find some food. Bought some gluten-free bread in a store and ate in a Chinese restaurant. Now it is time for bed just before 23:00. Don’t know where to go tomorrow so will do an early start.
13 februari 2022
Skrivövning - Klichéer och slitna uttryck
Hittade denna i mitt skrivblock från när jag gick i skrivgruppen med kreativt skrivande. Vi fick några minuter på oss att skriva något med klichéer och slita uttryck. Jag valde ordspråk.
Man ska vara…
…glad som en lärka
…smidig som en panter
…stark som en björn
…klok som en uggla
…pigg som en mört
…snabb som en vessla
…modig som ett lejon
men akta sig för att vara…
…listigt som en räv
…slug som en orm
…sluten som en mussla
…smutsig som en gris
Men jag känner mig mest som en fågel i en bur eller rättare sagt som ett helt infångat zoo, fast i en människas kropp. Här trängs räddharen med sillmjölken, hon som spelar apa med spindeln i mitten som försöker hålla ihop menageriet så att vi inte framstår som en skock med yra höns.
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